offers continuing education courses for health insurance agents in the state of Texas. While we do host some in-person events, most of our courses are presented online through GoToWebinar.
HOW IT WORKS: All webinar CE courses provide classroom CE credit (not “classroom equivalent”) with NO EXAM. In other words, you get the same credit you would if you attended a live in-person event, and you don’t have to take a test the way you would with a self-study or classroom-equivalent course. You do, however, have to pay attention during the webinar, keep the presentation active on your computer screen (don’t multi-task during the session), and respond to any attendance checks, which can be in the form of a poll or an open-ended question.
NOTE: We are transitioning to a new webinar format, so for our 2024 webinars, you’ll see a column on the right labeled “Dial In?” with a “Yes” or “No” next to each course. If it says “Yes” then you can watch on your computer and dial in to listen to the webinar on your phone (old webinar format). If it says “No” then you will need to watch and listen on the same device – either a computer, tablet, or phone (new webinar format). While the technology is designed to work on your phone, it’s not always great and can freeze up if you get a text or a phone call while attending the webinar. For that reason, watching and listening on your computer is preferable.
Get Your 2025 Season Pass Pay by the Hour – Just $10
Click the course names below to register for the webinars you’d like to attend. There’s no cost for Season Pass Holders. Note: some of our one-hour courses are scheduled for an additional 15 minutes to allow for announcements, instructions, and a sponsor message at the beginning or end of the course (so a 9am class will be scheduled from 9am to 10:15am, for instance). The support from our sponsors allows us to offer so many courses at an affordable price. Please take the time to learn how they can help your clients.
Day | Date | Start | End | Course Name and Number | Credit Type | CE Credits | Dial In? |
Fri | 02/07/25 | 10:00 AM | 11:00 AM | Not All Surprises Are Good ( 135548 ) | General | 1 | Yes |
Mon | 02/10/25 | 3:00 PM | 4:00 PM | Why do I need ethics? ( 134448 ) | Ethics | 1 | Yes |
Tue | 02/11/25 | 9:30 AM | 10:30 AM | Do You Practice What You Preach? ( 138764 ) | General | 1 | Yes |
Wed | 02/12/25 | 11:30 AM | 12:30 PM | NPNC: The Small Group Open Enrollment Period ( 136243 ) | Small Grp | 1 | Yes |
Mon | 02/17/25 | 2:30 PM | 3:30 PM | The Doctor Will See You Now (just kidding) (pending approval from TDI) | General | 1 | Yes |
Tue | 02/18/25 | 9:00 AM | 10:00 AM | The $2k out-of-pocket cap on Part D plans (pending approval from TDI) | Medicare | 1 | Yes |
Wed | 02/19/25 | 11:30 AM | 12:30 PM | The End of the Enhanced Premium Tax Credits (pending approval from TDI) | General | 1 | Yes |
Thu | 02/20/25 | 9:00 AM | 10:00 AM | Was the ACA doomed to fail? (pending approval from TDI) | General | 1 | Yes |
Fri | 02/21/25 | 10:00 AM | 11:00 AM | Health Insurance Past, Present, and Future (pending approval from TDI) | General | 1 | Yes |
Mon | 02/24/25 | 11:30 AM | 12:30 PM | Health Insurance: it’s a numbers game (pending approval from TDI) | General | 1 | Yes |
Tue | 02/25/25 | 9:00 AM | 10:00 AM | Can employers vary benefits and contributions? (pending approval from TDI) | Small Grp | 1 | Yes |
Wed | 02/26/25 | 9:30 AM | 10:30 AM | What would you say you do here? (pending approval from TDI) | General | 1 | Yes |